Friday, March 18, 2011

Take a Nature Walk


Observing nature is interesting and fun for kids and adults. Whether you live in the city, country, suburbs, mountains, desert, etc. there are always interesting things going on in nature.

Have students keep a monthly or seasonal log of nature in their environment throughout the year. They will start to notice the small and large changes in their landscape.

Things to look for by season:

  • buds blooming on trees
  • trees and shrubs leafing out
  • bulbs and other flowering plants sprouting up in gardens (day lilies, etc.)
  • spring flowers blooming (daffodil, tulip, crocus, etc.)
  • sap in sugar maple trees beginning to flow
  • squirrels making nests with leaves and branches
  • few insects appearing
  • ducks and birds returning to northern climates
  • old leaves from last fall are on the ground
  • earthworms are coming to the surface
  • lots of rainy weather

Pine Tree/Pine Cones


robin red breast

squirrel nest

Day Lilies




Pussy Willows

Suggestions: Look and listen carefully for signs of spring. Have students sketch pictures of "signs of spring" in their neighborhood. Use binoculars and field guides, if available. Take pictures.

  • plants are reaching full growth
  • lots of insects and butterflies are around
  • insects, butterflies, and birds drink the plants' nectar
  • days are their longest and often hot
  • lots of birds are in the trees

    Suggestions: Identify the different plants in your neighborhood. Use nature guides. Press flowers. When observing trees observe their trunks, branches, leaves, and roots if visible. Compare trees. Sketch trees and other plants.

    • leaves change colors and fall from trees
    • some flowers are still in bloom (asters, goldenrods, etc.)
    • most flowers are gone
    • berries grow on shrubs
    • ducks, birds head south
    • animals move to their winter homes

    Suggestions: Collect dried leaves, acorns, pinecones, and seed pods. Press leaves. Sketch trees and other plants.

    • deciduous trees have lost their leaves
    • evergreen trees and shrubs stay green all year
    • the land begins its season of rest
    • animals are hibernating

      Suggestions: Look for animal tracks in the mud and snow. Use a guide to identify active animals in your environment. Sketch trees and other plants.

      Follow-Up Activity

      Set up a Nature Table in your homeschool or in your classroom!


      For 2 FREE Plant Word Search Puzzles, click on the link below to go to my website.

      Have fun exploring nature!


      1. Great tips.. Wish my kids were still young enough to enjoy this... We do enjoy going up to the mountains and going for walks and looking for pinecones..
        I've Become My Mother
        Kelly's Ideas
        Amazing Salvation

      2. Love all the ideas. Following from the blog hop. Hope you can follow back.
        God Bless,
        < a href="">Finding My Life in Faith< /a>

      3. Hi Shelly,
        Thanks for visiting. I'm going to your blog now to follow you back. I look forward to reading your posts.

      4. I am excited to find your site because I am looking for other teaching blogs. I'd like to do some linking up with my book reviews and your great activties and experiments. Contact me if you are interested.

      5. This is a really good idea. We already walk almost every day, so it's easy to incorporate. Thanks for stopping by! I'm returning the follow.

      6. Nice ideas!! Thank you for sharing.

      7. great ideas! Its importantant to keep kids as intrested as possible these days with all the different distractions. Sometimes it's important to remember the simple things in life can interest our kids the most.


      8. Popping by to say thank you for linking up on the Mystery Post Blog Hop this week! Have a wonderful day!

      9. Okay, so I did not know that flower was a crocus. Now, I do, thanks for linking up!



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