Saturday, February 26, 2011

Light Waves and Sound Waves Comparison

If the students have participated in a study of both LIGHT and SOUND, they could now create a GRAPHIC ORGANIZER comparing Light Waves and Sound Waves.

The students could draw a graphic organizer in their notebook or you could download a FREE graphic organizer from Learning Workroom's website such as the Venn Diagram.

Go to Free Worksheets

If the students need help, they could use dictionaries, online encyclopedias, or science books to research these topics further.

Here are some facts that could be included in the students' graphic organizers
  • Light and sound both travel as waves.
  • Light waves and sound waves are both forms of energy.
  • Both types of waves change their speed when they travel through various media.
  • Both light waves and sound waves can be reflected and refracted.
  • Light waves travel faster than sound waves.
  • Sound waves travel slower than light waves.
  • Light waves do NOT require a medium through which to travel
  • Sound waves require a medium through which to travel.
  • Light waves can travel through space or in a vacuum.
  • Sound waves can not travel through space or in a vacuum.
  • Sound travels best through opaque objects. 
  • Light does not travel through opaque objects.
Also if you would like 2 free word search puzzles (Light Energy and Sound Energy, you may download free copies at my website. 

(Go to the free science worksheets page.)

Light Energy

Sound Energy

Have fun teaching science!


  1. Thank You this really helped me on my homework!!!

  2. This is so helpful. Thanks!

  3. Thank you! This helped me a lot on my project.

  4. Thank you! Very helpful.

  5. Thanks I had to compare light and sound for school in science! This helped! :-)

  6. This was great because my homework was due today and I just got it finished in 5 minutes

  7. helped me on my projected thx

  8. This helped me a lot for my homework and now I can keep my grades up for all A's! Thanks!



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