Saturday, January 15, 2011

Magnetism Introduction

One way to start a new topic is to create a KWL Chart (a 3 column list) with your students.

KWL Chart

Magnetic Energy
  1. In the 1st column, list what the students think they Know about the topic.
  2. In the 2nd column, list what they Wonder about the topic. (They can list their questions about the topic here.)
  3. After the topic/unit is complete, in the 3rd column, list what the children have Learned.

Animal Magnets Bought at a Hardware Store

  • After the students (and teacher) have filled in the 1st and 2nd column of the KWL Chart, give each child a magnet. Any magnet will work!  Refrigerator magnets will work great!
  • Have students explore (go around the house or classroom) and find 10 or more items (refrigerator, dishwasher, file cabinet, steel door, etc.) that the magnets "stick to" or are "attracted to". Caution the kids to stay away from the computer!)
  • They should list these items in their science notebooks. (Younger kids could look for less objects and sketch pictures instead.)
  • You can make it a contest and see which child can list the most items that the magnet will attract.
  • Children can then share their lists with each other.
  • Ask children what they think all these items have in common.
  • Share with the children that magnets will only attract items made of iron, steel, nickel, or cobalt.
You can visit Learning Workroom's website for a FREE KWL Chart that you can download and print.

Then go to: Free Worksheets

Here are some good children's books on magnets.

What Magnets Can Do (Rookie Read-About Science)       What Makes a Magnet? (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science 2)      Experiments With Magnets (True Books: Science Experiments) 

Amazing Magnetism (Magic School Bus Chapter Book)

Magnets-  Pulling Together - Pushing Apart

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