Friday, December 9, 2011

Math Fun - Make a Measuring Wheel (Trundle Wheel)

A Measuring Wheel, sometimes called a Trundle Wheel, is a simple tool for measuring.

trundle wheel

trundle wheel

trundle wheel

Here is a great way to combine MATH and a CRAFT ACTIVITY. Plus this Measuring Wheel can be used when doing lots of SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS.

A Measuring Wheel is great when measuring things that are longer than a tape measure, yardstick, or meter stick and also for things that aren't straight!

A Measuring Wheel also encourages kids to use addition, multiplication, and other math skills while having fun! Students can have fun using the measuring wheel indoors or outdoors!

trundle wheel supplies

  • heavy duty plastic plate or other round object
  • tape measure
  • marker
  • large fastener
  • ruler/yardstick/meter stick with a hole at one end

  • Decide if you want to make an inch or cm. measuring wheel.
  • Use a tape measure to measure the outside edge of your wheel (the circumference). My large plastic plate was 32 inches.
  • Make a large arrow on the wheel (plate) to indicate the starting point.
  • Mark off the plate in inches or centimeters, if desired.
  • Make a small hole in the center of the plate.
  • Attach the handle (ruler) with a large paper fastener. I used a ruler that had a hole at one end. My husband made a hole in the Home Depot yardstick that cost me 77 cents!
  • Now you have a great math and science tool!
  • Next choose something that you want to measure!
  • Place the arrow on the plate at your starting point.
  • Use the arrow on the plate to count the number of times the plate turns.
  • When done measuring, multiply the number of times the plate turned by the circumference. Addition can be used instead of multiplication if desired.
  • Older students can convert their measurement from cm. or inches to meters or yards.

Have fun with math and measurement!


  1. I love this! This would be a great activity to do with a study of Rome.

  2. Very nice presentation! I like Phyllis' idea of adding this to a study of Rome.

  3. Oh that is a good idea to add this to a study of Rome!

    So does it actually turn when you walk?

  4. Yes! Hi Ticia,
    I used a heavy duty plastic plate (left over from a barbecue)and a 2 inch, round head, brass finish fastener (bought at Staples - 100 in a box ). It was amazing how well it turned!
    Marcia :)

  5. I am a new google follower AND networked blog follower as well as I liked you on facebook! :) I found your link up at the love2learn2day "monday" blog hop :) Thanks for posting such great info! Cindy



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