Sunday, December 17, 2017

Free Christmas Worksheets and Craft Ideas for Kids

Could you use some free Christmas worksheets to use with the kids to keep them busy and to review basic skills at the same time?
Here are a few that I hope are helpful for you and your students.

Christmas Hundred Chart
Christmas 120 Chart Fill-In
Christmas Lights Odd & Even Numbers
Christmas Lights Coloring Worksheet
Christmas Lights Parts of Speech - Nouns & Verbs
To obtain these free worksheets above, just click on the captions below the pictures or click on the link below to go to my website where I store all these freebies for you.

If you need some ideas for some fun Christmas Crafts, click on the captions under the following images to get directions.
Christmas Crafts - Using 2D Shapes

Christmas Crafts - Making Cards
Christmas Crafts - Making 3D Shape Ornaments

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas season with family and friends!


Sunday, November 26, 2017

Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Savings Sale * November 27 & 28

The annual Teachers Pay Teachers Cyber Savings Sale will be held on Monday and Tuesday November 27 & 28.

TPT Cyber Sale
Of course, I will be participating and putting everything in my store on sale both days. By using the Promo Code at Checkout, you will be receiving a 25 percent discount during this sale event.


You can check out the site and save anything you like in your basket, then on Monday or Tuesday move your items to the checkout.

Don't forget to use the PROMO CODE at Checkout: CYBER17

Happy Cyber Sale!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Free Halloween Math Activities

With Halloween coming soon, I want to remind you that I have 2 free fun Halloween math center activities for kids - Spider Addition and Odd and Even Numbers fun!!!

Halloween Math Center Activities

Just click on the caption for the above picture to go to my earlier post which shows you pictures and links to the free products!

Happy Autumn!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

BOOM Learning Digital Cards

Have you heard of BOOM Learning? Try my free deck! :)
FREE BOOM CARDS - Digraphs CH and SH

Boom Learning is a fairly new site which provides digital learning with fun, paperless, digital cards.

Boom Cards require NO PREP for the teacher! :) They can be played on interactive whiteboards, computers and tablets. An internet connection is required.

The cards can be played over and over again and are SELF- CHECKING. This is because the cards indicate whether the answers are correct or not.

Boom Learning Cards

Read the following paragraph from BOOM Learning to learn more about BOOM Learning.
Boom Cards live in the cloud. They can't be printed. They play on most modern browsers, Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. You open a Boom Learning account to play them (to protect the children). Create Fast Play pins to assign your Boom Cards to students.
Boom Learning also has premium accounts. Premium accounts offer advanced assignment tools, individual and whole class performance tracking, and more. If you are a new Boom Learning customer, when you redeem your Boom Cards purchase you get 90-day free trial of a premium account. When your trial ends, you can renew or move to a free account. You may upgrade, downgrade or cancel at any time.

I have a FREE deck of BOOM cards for you to try in my TPT Store. Click on the top picture to go to my store. There you will learn more about the deck.

If you prefer, here is a link that will take you directly to my BOOM Learning Store.

This link will take you directly to my Digraphs Digital Task Cards.

Happy Teaching!  :)

Monday, September 11, 2017

7 Free Autumn Math & Literacy Worksheets

Autumn has reached New England and we are seeing just a hint of the leaves changing colors!
Could you use some autumn themed printables for your your students?

Here are some free autumn math and literacy worksheets for your kids in Grades K, 1, and 2. All of the worksheets review a skill and have some fun coloring for the kids.

The themes are mostly apples and pumpkins. The topics are colors, odd and even numbers, 120 chart, addition, syllables, and parts of speech.

Odd and Even
Odd and Even
120 Chart
Addition Table
Nouns & Verbs
Click on any of the images above to go to my website to download some or all of these fun autumn printables.

To find more autumn teaching ideas, please visit my October Pinterest Board.
Pinterest Board

Wishing you a wonderful autumn season!


Monday, July 31, 2017

Free Back to School Math Worksheets & TPT Sale - Aug. 1-2

In New England we are having great summer weather and families are enjoying their summer, but many states in the South are preparing for Back to School!

Here are 3 FREE Math worksheets with a Back to School theme: Counting 1-120, Addition, and Multiplication. Please download them if your kids are headed back to school soon or save them for later in the summer if you are not ready for Back to School preparations.

Back to School Math Worksheets
All of these worksheets are hosted on my website (Learning Workroom). Just click on the picture above to get your free copies.

If you need more Back to School resources for this year, Teachers Pay Teachers is having their BIG Back to School Sale on August 1st and 2nd. Lots of shops will have everything at 20 percent off plus TpT will add in an extra 5 % with the Code BTS2017.
Stay cool and enjoy the rest of your summer!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Free No Prep Addition and Multiplication Practice Printables

Summer is in full swing here in New England! I hope you and your family are enjoying great weather and great vacations!
Summer Math Facts
However, students still need to continue practicing their math facts so they don't lose their fluency skills. Here are 2 free worksheets with fun summer themes. Just print and go - no prep! One is for addition and one is for multiplication. Save them for a rainy day! :) Perhaps make some flashcards for any facts that the kids might have forgotten or play addition or multiplication matching or concentration games. Have math fun together!

You'll be happy when the kids return to school in the fall with great retention of their math facts. It will make math more fun for the kids!

Click on the picture above to go to my website (Learning Workroom) where I store these 2 worksheets plus free math memory and concentration games and lots of other free worksheets for you to use with the kids!

Stay cool in the heat! :)


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Free Spring Literacy and Math Printables

Here in New England, we have been getting plenty of needed spring rain! :)
So in honor of the arrival of spring, here are 3 free Spring Rain Printables for you to use with your students / children.
For the youngest children, here is a fun Color Words Printable. Children will need some crayons! :)
Spring Color Words Printable
For older students, here are 2 printables (a Syllables Printable and an Odd and Even Numbers Printable). Students need crayons or colored pencils to complete both activities.
Spring Syllables Printable
Spring Math - Odd and Even Numbers
All of these printables are on my website (Learning Workroom). Click on the pictures above
Learning Workroom Website

If you are looking for more Spring Activities, visit my Spring Teaching Ideas Board on Pinterest.
Spring Teaching Ideas Pinterest Board

Happy Spring!


Friday, April 21, 2017

Earth Day Craft and Activities for Kids

Tomorrow, April 22, is Earth Day! It is becoming more and more popular each year.
Earth Day Craftivity

I have a quick Earth Day Craftivity for you to do with your kids. You will need to download my free worksheet at my website. Click here.

The children will need to color the Earth shape. Then with your help they can cut the shape and make arms and legs with thin strips of construction paper (folded back and forth accordion style). Glue or tape the arms and legs to the Earth shape.

If you don't have time to make the craftivity with the kids, you can still use the Earth Day printable as a coloring page.
Free Earth Day Coloring Page

Click here to get your free Earth Day Printable.

A great book to read with the kids on Earth Day is Earth Day Hooray by Stuart J. Murphy.  Read more about this book here.  (Stuart Murphy has LOTS of great math books for kids!)
Earth Day Book

Also in my store, I have some Earth Day Number Puzzles. Click on the links below to go to my store.
Earth Day Number Puzzles

Enjoy Earth Day with the kids!!!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Free Easter Math - 2D Bunny Shapes Printables

Happy April! That means Easter is almost here! It's a great time to teach or review 2D shapes using a fun bunny theme.
2D Shape Word Wall Cards

Today, I'm reposting about my Easter Math Bunny Shapes printable because it just received an update. I've added Word Wall Cards to this resource in both color and black & white.

I also updated the font to the other pages in the packet (Matching Cards and Mini-Posters). The mini-posters could also be used to make booklets for the kids.
2D Shape Matching Cards
2D Shape Mini- Posters
You can download this free resource at my TpT store. Just click on any of the pictures above.

If you don't have an account yet at TpT, it only takes a few minutes to open one plus it's FREE to open a buyer's account.

If you'd like more fun Easter Ideas, please see my previous post here.

If you'd like more educational ideas to use with kids in PreK to Grade 2, then visit my PreSchool - Gr. 2 Pinterest Board! Just click on the picture below.
PreSchool - Gr. 2 Pinterest Board

Happy Easter and have fun teaching 2D Shapes!


Friday, March 10, 2017

Easter Teaching Ideas and Crafts

I love combining teaching and the holidays. I've gathered up some Easter-themed resources for you to use with the kids.

Here's a fun bunny coloring worksheet for kids to practice reading their color words. I just posted it at my website. Just click on the picture to go to my website to get your free copy.
Easter Color Words

If you'd rather make a fun, easy bunny craft with the kids, click on the picture to get directions.
Construction paper bunny
Do you have lots of plastic eggs? Use them to help kids practice their addition or multiplication facts. Click on the picture for directions.
Plastic Eggs and Addition Facts
Practicing sums of 10 is another way to use the plastic eggs. Click on the picture for details.
Plastic Eggs and Sums of 10
Do you have some inexpensive paper plates? Use them to make clocks. Kids need lots of practice with telling time. Make clocks for all the holidays! Click on the picture to get directions.
Paper Plate Clocks

For more Easter and Spring Ideas, visit my SPRING TEACHING IDEAS PINTEREST BOARD. Click on the picture below.

Happy (almost) Spring and Easter!!!



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