
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dogs Breeds for Kids!

A favorite mammal of children is of course the dog! Dogs are often called man's best friend.

Children enjoy learning about the different breeds (types) of dogs. There are plenty of books available which will teach children some of  the different dog breeds. Here are 3 dog books that I have used.

For younger children

All of the books are great to use in numerous places! They can be used in the home, classroom, at summer camps, in the car, on neighborhood walks, at the park, at the beach, when visiting families and friends, on vacations, etc. Who can resist looking at all the pictures and even learning the names of the different breeds.

Here are a few pictures to get the kids started. (Do you know their breeds? Answers below.)

clipart by


  1. Scottish Terrier
  2. Labrador
  3. Golden Retriever
  4. Dalmatians

Here are some books available on Amazon.

Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds    A Pocket Guide To Dogs  Pocket Guide to Dogs : Invaluable practical information on dog care, plus a guide to the world's most beautiful breeds

Concise Guide to Dog Breeds (Pocket Guides)    The Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds: A Field Guide to 231 Dog Breeds and Varieties (Pocket Professional Guide) Dogs (DK Pockets)

The Ultimate Guide to Dogs   The Ultimate Guide - Dogs [VHS]

Have fun learning about dogs! 



    1. I'm a new follower from Relax and surf Sundays. I like your site. It would have been great for me when my kids were young.

    2. hi. Newest follower from the blog hop.
      Pls come by and say hi and follow back


    3. We LOVE dogs! We have a Golden Retriever, but my daughter enjoys watching "Dogs 101" on Animal Planet to learn about the different breeds. Stopping by from Science Sunday!


    4. i love dogs too! i've been collecting books and pictures to use in my preschool classroom, thanks for the ideas!

    5. Thanks for Visiting. I have a new dog post up today. Hope you find it helpful also.
      Marcia :)

    6. We love dogs at our house too! That looks like a great list of books.

      Thanks for linking up.
