
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Geometry - Shape Scavenger Hunts (Indoors + Outdoors)

Having children find and identify shapes is a lot of fun. First they could do an indoor scavenger hunt, then they could follow up with an outdoor scavenger hunt in the neighborhood.

  • Using a clipboard or notebook, students could make a list of different shapes that they would look for. Then they could mark a tally each time they find a shape.  
                      ~  circle
                      ~  triangle
                      ~  quadrilateral - square, rectangle, parallelogram
                      ~  pentagon
                      ~  hexagon
                      ~  heptagon
                      ~  octagon

    • Students could also create a tally chart or frequency chart with the data that they collect on their scavenger hunts.

    • Then students could compare the indoor and outdoor charts. Where did they find the most shapes? Where did they find the most triangles? Where did they find the biggest quadrilateral? Etc.

    Possible Indoor Shapes

    Possible Outdoor Shapes

      • Students could also take pictures with a camera (or draw/sketch pictures) of the shapes that they find. These pictures could be hung on a bulletin board, made into a book, or put into a slide show to share with others.



      1. Thank you for the wonderful idea. I will have to put your idea in my lesson planning folder.
        New follower from the Monday Mingle. I hope you stop by for a visit. Have a great week

      2. Thanks for the idea. I've been using outdoor scavenger hunts on a regular basis this year. I was out of ideas for one for this week but this will work perfectly.

        The Christian Unschool

      3. Great post! I'm sure I'll be using this idea soon!

        Found you through Monday Mingle and am a new follower. Hope you'll visit me at and consider a follow back. Thanks!

      4. Great ideas! Stopping by from the Alexa Blog hop!

      5. This is so cool. Thanks. Following from Monday Mingle! I am a new follower
