
Monday, October 31, 2011

Math Literature - Angles are Easy as Pie

Angles Are Easy as Pie by Robert Froman is a delightful book for kids.
It teaches and entertains!

I love combining math and literature. The children get to hear a story and learn math concepts at the same time. Even the topic is fun! Who doesn't like dessert? A real pie or cake to eat after reading the book would be the icing on the cake! (Ha Ha!)

This book can be used to introduce or reinforce the concept of angles. It begins by telling the readers that if they like pie then they also like angles. It explains that every time you cut a piece of pie you are cutting an angle! Cutting a small piece of pie makes a small angle and cutting a large piece of pie makes a larger angle.

The book also relates the size of angles to the length of time using an analog clock which is another great tool to teach angles.

Besides teaching about the angles of a circle this book also introduces angles in a triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, and octagon.

Now if you'd like to add measurement to this geometry activity, why not make a pie or cake too!

Have fun with math!

What are NETS of 3D Shapes?

A NET is a flat diagram of a solid figure (2 Dimensional drawing of a 3 Dimensional shape).

Using NETS to make 3D shapes is lots of fun for kids.

Suggested Activities:

Here are some Videos about nets from You Tube. Click on the links below to view.

~ 3D Shapes and their Nets

~ Introduction to Nets and 3D objects 


Here is a link to some great nets for kids from SEN Teacher that you can download and print.  The students can color, cut, and paste/tape the 2D shapes to make 3D shapes. Click on the link below. 


Students can create their own nets of different 3D shapes. They could use dot or grid paper. 


Students could "unglue" a cereal or other small box to change its shape from 3D back to its original 2D shape.

3D Box

NET - 2D


Have fun with 2D and 3D shapes!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Venn Diagram - 2D and 3D Shapes

A Venn Diagram is an easy to make and read Graphic Organizer that compares/contrasts two or more things. 

You can learn a lot from a graphic organizer in just one glance.


You can use circles or other shapes to make a Venn Diagram.

When students compare and contrast, they observe the similarities and differences between things. The Venn Diagram shows how things are alike and how they are different.

A Venn Diagram is made with two (or more) overlapping circles. Each circle is called a set.  The intersection where 2 sets overlap, is where students write the characteristics that the things have in common. To the right and left of the overlapping area is where students list the differing characteristics of the things.

The students could compare/contrast the characteristics of  2D and 3D Shapes and thus demonstrate their understanding of how these shapes are alike and how they are different.                               

The students could draw the Venn Diagrams in their Mathematics Notebook or you could download one of the FREE Venn Diagram Worksheets from my website (Learning Workroom).

Go to Free Worksheets


Have fun with math!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Geometry - 3D Shapes Crossword Puzzle

A Crossword Puzzle is a fun way to reinforce vocabulary for a unit of study. Here is a Crossword Puzzle on Three Dimensional Shapes and Their Properties.

You can download the free puzzle from my website (Learning Workroom). Click on the link below then go to Free Worksheets.

Have fun with Geometry!


Friday, October 28, 2011

Geometry - What is a Sphere?

A SPHERE is a geometric solid or 3D shape. 

Features: A sphere is a curved solid figure with no faces, edges, or vertices (corners).

Suggested Activities
  • Read books about spheres and other 3D Shapes. 

  • Have students observe a sphere(s) manipulative(s) or picture(s) of a sphere(s).  Discuss its properties. 
  • Have students describe the features of a sphere.

    • Have students search their home or classroom to find examples of spheres. How many can they find?

    • Have students use clay and other arts and crafts materials to create spheres.

    Have fun with geometry!

      Thursday, October 27, 2011

      Geometry - What is a Pyramid?

      A PYRAMID is a 3D Geometric Shape.

      Features: A pyramid has 3 or more triangular faces and 1 base. It is named for the shape of its base.

      Examples: triangular pyramid, square pyramid

      Suggested Activities
      • Read books about pyramids and other 3D Shapes. 

      • Have students observe a pyramid(s) manipulative(s) or picture(s) of a pyramid(s).  Discuss its properties. Have students describe the features of a pyramid.

      Egyptian Pyramids

      • Have students search their home or classroom to find any pyramid shapes.



      • Have students create pyramids with arts and crafts materials.

        • Have students use NETS  (2D representations of 3D Shapes) of pyramids to create pyramid models.

                   Click here to get nets of triangular and square pyramids.

        Triangular Pyramid Net - (Tetrahedron)

        Square Pyramid Net

        Have fun with geometry.


        Wednesday, October 26, 2011

        Geometry - What is a Prism?

        A PRISM is a 3D Shape or Geometric Solid.
        Features: A Prism has 3 or more rectangular faces and 2   identical parallel bases.

        Rectangular Prism

        Rectangular Prism

        • Rectangular Prisms - made of 6 rectangular faces.
        • Triangular Prisms - made of 3 rectangular faces and 2 triangular bases
        • Pentagonal Prisms - made of 5 rectangular faces and 2 pentagonal bases
        • Hexagonal Prism - made of 6 rectangular faces and 2 hexagonal bases
        • Octagonal Prism - made of 8 rectangular faces and 2 octagonal bases
        • Etc.

        Suggested Activities
        • Read books about prisms and other 3D Shapes. 

        • Have students observe prism manipulatives or pictures of a prisms.  Discuss their properties. Have students describe the features of different prisms.
        Triangular Prism

        Hexagonal Prism and Octagonal Prism

        Pentagonal Prism

          • Have students look in their homes or classrooms for examples of prisms. How many can they find?

          Rectangular Prism

          • Have students create prisms with Arts and Crafts Materials.
          • Have students create prisms with NETS  (2D representations of 3D figures).
                     Click here to get NETS of various prisms.

          Rectangular Prism

          Triangular Prism

          Have fun with math!
